Pernahkah kalian mengendarai motor ? tentunya sebagian besarkita  sudah pernah mengendarai motor. Apa bedanya kita mengendarai motor saat di jalan menanjak dan menurun ? tentulah sangat berbeda bukan. Mengapa ? dalam laporan ini akan dibahas mengapa hal itu dapat terjadi.

Dalam keseharian kita tentulah tidak lepas dari yang namanya kendaraan, motor khususnya. Saat kita berkendara di jalan menanjak motor kita akan mengalami perlambatan, tentulah kita menambah tarikan gasnya agar motor kita tidak berhenti atau malah mundur ke belakang. Dan saat kita berada di jalan menurun motor kita akan mengalami percepatan dengan sendirinya, tanpa harus menambah tarikan gasnya. Ini disebabkan karena adanya gaya grafitasi bumi yang menarik benda-benda ke inti bumi. Saat motor berada di tanjakan mengalami perlabatan dan berada di turunan mengalami percepatan karena di pengaruhi oleh gaya grafitasi yang berbeda pada permukaan bumi yang tidak rata. Gaya grafitasi lebih besar pada permukaan yang  rendah daripada yang tinggi. Inilah yang menyebabkan mengapa terjadi perlambatan dan percepatan pada motor saat berada pada jalan menanjak dan menurun. Saat motor berada pada jalan menurun motor tersebut mengalami percepatan dengan sendirinya. Hal itu dapat dikatakan sebagai energy kinetic yang bekerja pada motor tersebut.



Newton's Second Law in Daily Life

Have you ever played a toy car? most certainly had never all played toy cars. Did you know that in playing the toy car we apply Newton's second law? Well, in this article I will discuss Newton's second law that happens when we play toy cars.

When we play toy cars surely we tied a rope to pull the toy car. Once, when I was in elementary school I have ever played toy car. But I do not know that in playing the toy car is no law newton in it. Now did I know that there are laws in play toy cars newton. Newton's second law theory there is that if we apply a force (F) on a body of mass (m) is silent, then the object will move / change position from its initial position. That suggests that the force acting on the object causing the acceleration. Well, in playing toy car we also exerts a force on the rope that we tied the last toy car by pulling. When we pulled the toy car is certainly going to move. The speed of the toy car moves depends on the force and the mass of the toy car. If written in the formula becomes:

a=∑F/m   or  ƩF = m . a


Magnetic poles are part of the magnet that has the power to attract the biggest or magnetism.

Magnet is divided into 2, namely:
1.    North pole is the magnetic poles which always leads to the north poles of earth.
2.     South pole is the magnetic poles which always leads to the south poles of earth.

How to make a magnet that way:
•    rub
With the rub of iron or steel when rubbed with iron or steel in the scrub can be made when rubbed concentrated in a magnet that has an appeal, rubbing magnets should always opposite.
•     Electromagnetic induction
That is how to make a magnet by passing an electric current through a wire, wound nickel on iron or steel.
•    Magnetic induction
Events are iron bars and steel become magnetized with a magnet that was nearby and the magnetic pole induction will always opposite to the main magnetic poles.
I will try to make a magnetic powder by rubbing steel on steel.
With materials
a.    Nails (Iron)
b.    Kir (Steel)
How to prove the magnetization in a way that simple.

The first stage
1.    Rubbing the nails steel (iron) until the powders containing small magnets.
2.    When the magnet powder began much the end of the steel generate the pull of the small powder dust magnet.
3.    So the test results on the powder stick or are interested in steel tip (KIR).


Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points. Introducing the constant of proportionality, the resistance,  one arrives at the usual mathematical equation that describes this relationship: 

Where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conductor in units of ohms. More specifically, Ohm's law states that the R in this relation is constant, independent of the current.

The VIR triangle.

You can use the VIR triangle to help you remember the three versions of Ohm's Law. 
Write down V, I and R in a triangle like the one in the yellow box on the right. 
  • To calculate voltage, V: put your finger over V, this leaves you with I R, so the equation is V = I × R 
  • To calculate current, I: put your finger over I, this leaves you with V over R, so the equation is  I=V/R 
  • To calculate resistance, R: put your finger over R, this leaves you with V over I, so the equation is R=V/I

Danger of Smoking

Once You Start, It's Hard to Stop
Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.

People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That's why people say it's just so much easier to not start smoking at all