Substance and its form

Substance is defined as anything that has mass and occupies space
There are three states of substance are :
- Solid
- Liquid
- Gas

1. solid
examples such as:
Put an eraser on the table, observe the shape and volume removal, then move the eraser into the vessel, observe again form and volume. Draw conclusions from these simple experiments. From these observations, the eraser that is placed on a table shape remains like eraser inserted into the container, while the volume eraser remain wherever he is. Removal itself is solid.
So we can conclude that the solid form and volume is always the same.

2. liquid
examples such as:
fill in some of the container and the contents of a full glass of water pour water into several different containers, look at how the shape. The nature of the liquid form of the container is occupied and
volume fixed.

By the time the water is heated sampai100 degrees C, will form water vapor. Water vapor is gas. Thus there is a change form from liquid to gas. If steam are accommodated, water vapor will fill the entire container or containers shaped like the occupied. Volune water vapor is also changing and fill an entire room there. So, it can be concluded that:
The nature of the shape and volume of gas is always changing according to the occupied.

States of matter based on composition and particle motion :

1. solid
the solid particles, the particles are close together in a regular arrangement and bound by strong attractive forces between particles
2. Liquid
the distance between the liquid particles more than solids
3. Gas
distance between the particles in a gas are very far,  so, the attractive forces can neglect

Picture of structure and particle motion solid, liquid and gas

11 komentar:

triana siska dewi mengatakan...

nice and simple blog:)
of the changes occurring, can you explain the changes which release and received heat, thank

Anonim mengatakan...

nice blog and thanks for information..i want ask you.there is substance cannot change to another form??give me example about that

Unknown mengatakan...

ok, thank's for her comment :)

Unknown mengatakan...

very good .....
you try to explain examples of articles you make in everyday life ...

melvika anggraini mengatakan...

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.
Nice Blog :), the question for you,
in diagram change of state, the change process from solid to gas and gas to solid you give the same name, but i think it is different, can you explain that?
Thank You :)

Unknown mengatakan...

ok i like your blog,,,
but i want to ask you,, What happened that caused his change states of matter and why the volume of a solid object is always the same??

Unknown mengatakan...

very good, simple blog..
can be learned for who don't like science..
but i have a suggestion for this blog, so multiply example at changed the substance.
nice blog, so cute!!!

Dzh.Syafitri mengatakan...

pake bahasa Indonesia ya :)
tulisannya sudah bagus,karena pada dasarnya pembaca bisa mengikuti apa yang dimaksud oleh penulis
usahakan untuk lebih komunikatif ya
tapi kalo boleh koreksi
"there are three states of substance are"
kenapa pake are lagi di belakang?
"there are three states of substance. the substaces are"
kalau bisa gunakan beragam istilah untuk kata yang sama
"for example"
"for instance",dll
3 mengenai penjabaran dari pokok pikiran seperti 1,2,3 bisa digantikan dengan kata atau kalimat, contohnya:
first of all,
second thing,
after that,
last but not least
and many more...
but keep it in your mind
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

Unknown mengatakan...

terimakasih ya atas masukannya. semoga ini akan menjadi acuan untuk postingan selanjutnya agar lebih baik lagi..

zhu kai rein mengatakan...

nice blog, This science learning that is simple and easy to understand, thank your information, so I can learn easily,.

sudut pandang lia mengatakan...

beny, give me your explanation, why from the solid to gas and otherwise you just give one title?

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