Substance and its form
Diposting oleh: Unknown - Minggu, 25 November 2012
Substance is defined as anything that has mass and occupies space
There are three states of substance are :
- Solid
- Liquid
- Gas
1. solid
examples such as:
Put an eraser on the table, observe the shape and volume removal, then move the eraser into the vessel, observe again form and volume. Draw conclusions from these simple experiments. From these observations, the eraser that is placed on a table shape remains like eraser inserted into the container, while the volume eraser remain wherever he is. Removal itself is solid.
So we can conclude that the solid form and volume is always the same.
Jam Atom
Diposting oleh: Unknown - Kamis, 15 November 2012
Ilmuwan Jepang menciptakan jam atom
paling akurat di dunia yang mampu mendeteksi perubahan gravitasi bumi dengan
sangat akurat. Bahkan pengukuran mencapai 17 digit.
itu meningkatkan sistem pelacakan GPS sehingga dapat mendeteksi perbedaan
ketinggian gravitasi mencapai 10 centimeter. Tim Jepang mengklaim ini langkah
paling maju dalam menciptakan alat ukur gravitasi paling akurat.
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